What Are Impact Fees?

When you purchase a Brigon Home, you may notice that impact fees are included in the price. Assessed by various counties, including Charlotte County, impact fees are used to offset the burden placed on the existing infrastructure by new structures. To learn a bit more about impact fees and how they’re used, read on.
What Are Impact Fees?
Impact fees are funds collected by the county to ease the burden of newly-built structures. In Charlotte County, Florida, impact fees are calculated into the cost when you purchase a new home. Generally, they are assessed when a building permit is issued, and they must be paid in full before final inspections are scheduled. At Brigon Homes, we factor impact fees into the cost of the home, saving you the burden of paying them separately.
How Are Impact Fees Used?
When new structures are built, they put additional strain on existing infrastructure and county facilities. New development brings increased traffic and increased demand for things like parks, recreation facilities and public safety facilities, including fire departments, police stations and ambulance services.
To cover the costs of keeping up with demand, impact fees are assessed on all new structures constructed in Charlotte County. The money is used to fund capital projects like roads, jails, parks, etc. Funds collected via impact fees may not be used for the operation, maintenance or repair of capital facilities.
Each year, the county studies impact fees in an effort to ensure that they are appropriate for funding future needs. Based on the annual review, the amount assessed for impact fees may vary. Impact fees remain as listed until updated as directed by the Board of County Commissioners.
At Brigon Homes, we are your southwest Florida custom residential home builder. We pride ourselves on constructing elegant homes with quality craftsmanship and outstanding value. To learn more about impact fees in Charlotte County, please visit https://www.charlottecountyfl.gov/services/planningzoning/Pages/Impact-Fees.aspx or contact us to learn how we include impact fees in the cost of your new home. You can reach us by calling 941-698-1601.